

  • Owner: GL Group
  • Square Ft: 2,500.00, 1 pool
  • Date: March to November 2010

Villa 04 (Modelo)

Cabo San Lucas, B.C.S.

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Thinking about a new home in Los Cabos? Eng. Diego Gutierrez has built around 110 homes for us of the

5,200 our company has developed in the last 42 years, these 110 homes are in the price range from $ 200,000 US TO $ 8,000,000 US. He is someone any company wants to have as part of its development staff, which is the reason why he started his own team, and it was a smart decision. I’m sure that he will continue to do the best performance possible to fulfill your expectations as new home owner. I have no doubt that he will do very well as an independent constructor, and why not a great developer one day.

Gustavo Loneln Lopez Goneral Director of GL GRUPO.